Thursday, April 05, 2012

Heading into Easter...

Continuing with the week's theme of what my former pastor calls "theology you can take home," I wanted to share another couple of songs that have been on my mind this week.  (And on my ipod too!)

The first is one of my favorite songs for many years.  Sandy Patti is just one of those singers.  Reportedly a vocal range of over four octaves, and control throughout the entire range.  But as awesome as her talents are, that's not really why I'm posting this.  Did you ever hear a song & wonder what the writer was experiencing when s/he wrote it?  I heard a story about the great songwriter Bill Gaither being asked if he had written a particular song; Bill's great answer: "No, I wasn't listening that day."  And did you ever wish you could see a writer hear his/her work performed in public?  This is that video.  It's a gathering of music greats of various ages, all sitting around in a room as Sandy sings.  But the videographer regularly captures the writer of the song, Dottie Rambo, being overcome as she listens.  You'll see a dark-haired woman shaking her head on amazement; that's her.  (Dottie has now beheld him; her faith is now sight. Can't wait to thank her for listening so well as she wrote this & other songs!)  You'll see others in the crowd being similarly overcome.  And if you were sitting in my home office, you'd have just seen me overcome...By the way, you'll see Sandy signing the words throughout; for years she would close out her concerts with this song.  And she would invite hearing-impaired people forward to the stage, where they would sign the song together.  Talk about being overcome with emotion!

As we head into Good Friday & Easter weekend, I wanted to remind us that one day, We Shall Behold Him.  I can't wait!  Maranatha!

And then there's this one, that I've featured here before.  As of this morning, I have an unblemished, perfect record.  Every single time I've watched this, my allergies kick in suddenly.  *blush*  I can't help but note that the writer, Bill Gaither (1st guy singing) and Marshall Hall (2nd guy) have difficulty getting through their lines because of emotions.  Despite having sung this many times, they're still caught up in what they're singing.  As they should be.  As we all should be. (I've sung this in my car, and have yet to make it all the way through.)

As we move into the end of Easter week, don't forget a couple of key things: 1) He was & is worthy of praise & adoration.  2) He was slain.  Dead.  Buried.  But Hallelujah!  He wasn't that way but for a couple of days!

Humbled by pondering His worth, & eager to join the angels & saints of all ages in worship that is not tainted by sin any more,

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