Monday, April 02, 2012

Man of Sorrows, What a Name!

Been pondering some songs & hymns lately while teaching through Romans & as Easter approaches. Then we sang this yesterday a.m. @ Church; turns out, it's hard for the Powerpoint guy to keep up when the screen goes all blurry early in the song.  Must have been the humidity...or something.  *sheepish smile*

Don't race past the Ephesians 2:1-3 part of your spiritual journey in your hurry to get to Ephesians 2:4 & following!  Don't skip the horror of the cross in your eagerness to get to the empty tomb!  Don't miss the overriding purpose of Jesus' coming in your excitement about "Surely I am with you always."

Your fellow "ruined sinner,"

p.s. - 6:20 in length; words included. Freshen up your coffee & be blessed and humbled.

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