Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Let's take a journey together...

First, Happy New Year!! I'd like you to join me on a journey this year.

This journey will take us from the beginning of time through some of the monumental events that define who we are as people and why the world is as it is. We'll be challenged and encouraged.

I'm speaking, of course, of a journey through the Bible.

I was rooting around on the web last week, pondering approaches to reading through the Bible this year. (A regular goal of mine...) Anyway, I landed on this approach, which is the plan for this year.

Basically, it takes one through the Bible in chronological order--though there are both OT & NT passages each day. So, maybe it's more correct to say that this plan takes one through each of the 2 testaments in chronological order. Anyway, check it out. The link below takes you to a 2-page pdf file with daily readings listed there.


(from the guy's own description of the plan)
This reading schedule is designed to take the reader through
the Bible in chronological order. Hence, the poetic and prophetic
books of the Old Testament are inserted at approximately their
place of occurrence in the historical books. For example, the
reading of the Psalms is placed after their historical treatment of
David's reign, because of David's connection with the Psalms. In
the New Testament, Paul's letters have been placed amid the
readings in Acts which approximate their time of writing. The
date of many of the New Testament letters is uncertain, so the
order presented is, to a certain extent, conjectural. The schedule
deviates from chronological organization only in that there is a
reading from both the Old and New Testaments for each day and
gospel narratives are inserted according to the probable date of
Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary
P.O. Box 690 Taylors, SC 29687
864 322-2717

If you want to view this as merely reading some of the great literature in existence, that's fine. (Obviously, I view the Bible as much more than great lit, but reading it as merely a collection of lit will challenge your thinking & encourage you & bless you too.)

Join me, won't you?

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